
by ICAR-National Rice Research Institute



riceNxpert - A smart nitrogen monitoring and recommendation applicationICAR-National Rice Research InstituteNitrogen (N) is an important element required in rice production. Application of N fertilizer in split doses at critical growth stages during the growing season fulfills the requirement of the crop’s nitrogen. To monitor and determine the leaf N content and record real time N fertilizer requirements to synchronize the demand and supply of the rice crops, a smart android based application for leaf color monitoring and N recommendation suitable for different rice ecologies has been developed by ICAR-National Rice Research Institute in joint collaboration with Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway under RESILIENCE project. Instruction for Users:Images of ten fully expanded healthy leaves should be taken with white background by placing a white sheet on the back of the leaf. The images should be captured from a distance of 15-20cm. All the readings should be taken from 8-10 AM in the morning by the same person using an Android smartphone. The images should be checked for its clarity with non blur, disease free, clean background. Then the leaves are cropped and RGB values are extracted. These RGB values are converted into pantones and then differentiated into four categories. The N recommendation system is made based on these color categories. Key Features:1. Easy to use application.2. N fertilizer doses as per the crop requirements at right time and right dose.3. Nitrogen fertilizer recommendation system based on Leaf Color Analysis4. Direct recommendation in terms of urea.Citations:Nayak AK, Tripathi R, Mohanty S, ShahidMd, Besra B, Panda BB, Priyadarsani S, Mohapatra SD, Sarangi DR, Saha S, Kar S, Swain R, Rajak M, Moharana KC, Swain CK, Nagothu US and Pathak HProprietary Rights:DirectorICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack 753006, Odisha Phone: +91-671-2367757/67; EPBX: +91-671-2367768-783 Fax: +91-671-2367663 Email: [email protected] | [email protected] App Coding & Web Managed by Cocypher IT Solutions Pvt. Ltd.as per Order No. LCMA/CPD/EAP/283/19-20/333